Is Shisha Halal? – Muslim Nightclubs

Shisha Lounge – Muslim Nightclubs? This post is not a rant neither a message from the Haraam Police but i’d like to explore modern shisha lounges and how they’re becoming Muslim Nightclubs. Although the health hazards of shisha alone outweigh those of cigarettes, I want to focus on the outlets in this post. You can read more on shisha here: What is a Shisha outlet? … Continue reading Is Shisha Halal? – Muslim Nightclubs

Cartoon of the beloved

Guidelines for the Muslim Community regarding new cartoons to be published Tomorrow – Wednesday 14 January 2015

The following points are general guidelines for Muslims on how to initially deal with and immediately react to the depiction of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in magazines (Charlie Hebdo) due to be published tomorrow (WEDNESDAY).

1. For every Muslim, Love of the Prophet ﷺ is a NECESSARY part of his/her FAITH. He is dearer to us than our mothers, fathers, sons & daughters. We prefer him to our own self.

2. The publishing of cartoons will hurt the sentiments of 1.8 billion Muslims around the world, as well as millions of non-Muslims who respect the great personality of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

3. Muslims do believe in freedom of Continue reading “Cartoon of the beloved”


Academic Writing

Writing can always be improved. This post goes through several errors you can avoid to improve your academic writing. They are minor errors that we all make and they will enhance your writing ability greatly- You can guarantee a higher mark with these subtle changes. Ways to improve your Academic Writing Short forms of verbs Don’t use contractions e.g.  I don’t think it’s very important for small … Continue reading Academic Writing

Act now for Palestine!

Whether you will be watching the world cup final or not, go onto your social networking sites and put it on your status’ that you will be watching the game on ITV followed by #BoycottBBC. If you watch eastenders, stop watching that crap too.

Supermarkets – These businesses support Israel. Pester them. Get them to act now! Get on the phone to supermarkets, threaten to boycott.

Here’s something a staff member at one of the biggest tesco stores in Bradford has said… Continue reading Act now for Palestine!

The Palestinian Crisis

Palestine: Land of Lions Not many international disputes have generated as much emotion, anguish and diplomatic gridlock as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rooted in decades of clashes over religion, borders, and territory. Peace processes have been tantalizingly close on numerous occasions only to be dismantled at the 11th hour. Now the Israelis are biting and will not stop. Innocent Palestinians have been ripped their national identity and … Continue reading The Palestinian Crisis

International Allies of 2014

After World War 2, an intergovernmental organisation, the United Nations (UN) was established to promote international co-operation in order to prevent another global conflict. There are 193 member states currently; that’s pretty much every country so in theory another world war should be impossible! The recent controversies around the world have prompted World War 3 in discussions quite a few times, but where does power really lie and which countries will ally with one another?
Continue reading International Allies of 2014

The Art of Power naps

Power naps Unlike 85% of all mammalian species, humans sleep just once a day. According to medical professionals people in the UK are struggling to get enough sleep which is leaving them tired during the working day. Sleep is restorative and necessary but sometimes we don’t get enough so power naps are recommended.  Power naps can alleviate our so-called sleep deficits, but they can also … Continue reading The Art of Power naps

What you really look like

Ever wondered Why You Look Different in Photos Than You Do in the Mirror? Yesterday evening, before you went out, you’re pretty sure you looked real good. So who the hell is this schlub in the Facebook album from last night, tagged with your name? It’s a phenomenon nestled somewhere between universal annoyance and urban legend: People see something different in the mirror than they … Continue reading What you really look like

Cause of a Revolution

Cause of a Revolution


This art illustrates my interpretation of revolution or that of evolution.

From left to right, the small yellow squares represent a particular way of life, a system in nature or that of the an institution. The systematical rows of these squares declare a passage of continuous time where not much change is happening. However, on the third row Continue reading “Cause of a Revolution”

Abortion In Islam

The Ruling of Abortion in Islam Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the womb; either by consuming certain drugs or by emptying the womb through the process of suction. This ethical issue is continuously debated around the world where some people edge towards pro-life and others pro-choice however Islam has its own ruling on this Issue. There have been slightly different opinions but … Continue reading Abortion In Islam

Personality Vs Character

Personality Vs Character There is a trend amongst young people where the following phrase is asserted ‘its not about looks, its about personality’. I think its actually really silly and selfish to think like this; you’re actually just as shallow as one who only focuses on looks. What most of you probably mean or should mean is It’s about the character. There’s obviously confusion between the … Continue reading Personality Vs Character

Secrets in Archery

Archery – A Sunnah Sport Full of Secrets

Wondering how to do ibadah (worship) while playing a sport? A few years ago a friend and I followed our beloved Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) advice and started archery.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) once passed by some people of the tribe of Bani Aslam who were practicing archery. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said:
“O Bani Isma`il ! Practice archery as your father Isma`il was a great archer. Keep on throwing arrows and I am with Bani so-and-so.” [Bukhari

I pulled out an old wooden bow from the attic and bought some arrows. Five minutes away was an archery club and it turned out to be the place I would go to several times a week for years to come. It didn’t take long before I decided to get some serious equipment. Here are some of the most important lessons I learnt about and through archery over the years: Continue reading “Secrets in Archery”

A case for Polygamy


Should we allow Polygamy

Bigamy – having two wives

Polygny – having more than two wives

Polyandry – having more than one husband

Polygamy in England was first declared illegal in 1604.

We are at a period in this country where liberal values and personal freedoms are taken in to account, i.e. freedom of expression and freedom of religion. Proposals to allow gay marriages have been allowed, something never envisaged by the British Government ever. One of the claims made are Continue reading “A case for Polygamy”

Husbands for sale

Why are women so Fussy?


A store that sells husbands to single women opens where a woman may go to choose from many available men. At the entrance is a description of how the store operates.

There are only six floors. It states that the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch: As you open the door to any floor you may choose any man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except Continue reading “Husbands for sale”

10 Reasons to Strive for Generosity

1. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Kind speech and feeding (the hungry) guarantee you Paradise.” (al-Tabarani)

2. “And speak nicely to people.” (Qur’an, 2:83)

3. “When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally.” (Qur’an, 4:86) Ibn Abbas commented on this and said, “He who greets you return his greeting in better words even if he were a Magian.1 He also said, “If Pharoah were to speak nicely to me, I would do so to him.”

4. Anas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Verily there are chambers in Paradise Continue reading “10 Reasons to Strive for Generosity”

Muslim Nightmare!

A Short Scenario of Muslims among Islamophobes (or why there is nothing good a Muslim can do)


Muslim gets convicted of a crime

Islamophobes say “Muslims are criminals”

Islamophobe gets convicted of a crime

Islamophobes say “The Police and Courts treat Muslims better than us, and would never do this to a Muslim”

Muslims involved in charity work

Islamophobes say “It is a Front to try to spread Islam”

Muslims who are not involved in charity work

Islamophobes say “Muslims never do anything for the community”

Muslims who have jobs

Islamophobes say “Muslims are Continue reading “Muslim Nightmare!”