Animal rights in Islam

It is not only humanity that was liberated by the coming of Islam but Animals too. Animals had rights, owning an animal never meant it was absolutely your property any more. Britain’s oldest animal shelter was formed in the nineteenth century, whilst 1200 years ago Muslims set up the first animal welfare centres. There is a popular but often neglected Hadith where:   A good … Continue reading Animal rights in Islam

The Power of Bismillah

The Power of Bismillah

Whilst growing up we are pushed to recite Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim before starting any task or chore and especially before eating. But how many of us understand the meaning behind the phrase? Even for those of us who know the translation, when saying it, how much sincerity is there in our utterance. What is the true power of bismillah

Firstly it is vital to remember that Allah needs Continue reading “The Power of Bismillah”

Muslim Nightmare!

A Short Scenario of Muslims among Islamophobes (or why there is nothing good a Muslim can do)


Muslim gets convicted of a crime

Islamophobes say “Muslims are criminals”

Islamophobe gets convicted of a crime

Islamophobes say “The Police and Courts treat Muslims better than us, and would never do this to a Muslim”

Muslims involved in charity work

Islamophobes say “It is a Front to try to spread Islam”

Muslims who are not involved in charity work

Islamophobes say “Muslims never do anything for the community”

Muslims who have jobs

Islamophobes say “Muslims are Continue reading “Muslim Nightmare!”